Our reliance on email and text messaging tools has grown as technology advances. Since the general public began using instant messaging, live chat support has become a popular medium for businesses to communicate with customers and respond to their inquiries in real-time.

Many businesses use Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services to ensure efficient and effective live chat assistance. Working with a BPO for live chat agents may transform enterprises, providing various benefits that improve customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall business performance.

This article explores eleven reasons why a BPO for your live chat agents can transform your business. Understanding the potential benefits of outsourcing live chat services will help make informed decisions to improve customer service capabilities and drive success, whether a small startup or a large enterprise.

1 – Faster Response

According to research by Hiver, more than 50% of consumers consider ‘timely resolution’ as one of the most critical factors in deciding whether a customer support experience qualifies as good. This means that resolving customer queries on time is one of the most effective strategies for gaining customer loyalty.

In another survey, 90% of customers rate an ‘immediate’ response as important or very important when they have a customer service question. 60% of customers define ‘immediate’ as 10 minutes or less.

By outsourcing a live chat service, businesses can reduce customer wait times. Typically, BPOs have a staff of trained agents dedicated to handling customer chats quickly and efficiently. Because customers do not have to wait long to receive assistance, this short response time can lead to higher customer satisfaction.

BPO providers often offer multichannel assistance, including chat, email, phone support, and social media. Businesses can integrate chat support with other customer service channels by partnering with a BPO provider. This enables efficient inquiry routing and escalation, resulting in faster response times across multiple support channels.

2 – Round the Clock Support

Customer problems do not occur only five days a week, eight hours a day. Nowadays, customers expect exceptional customer service. They anticipate quick responses late at night and on weekends.

Setting up a support team that is available 24/7 is not easy. And because live chat support teams in the U.S. often work during regular business hours only, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., outsourcing live chat support services can provide customers with greater agent availability.

BPO providers help businesses provide customer service outside typical business hours. Businesses can ensure that their customers receive assistance around the clock by working with a company in a different time zone or one that provides 24/7 support. Actively engaging with customers around the clock boosts the chances of gaining their trust and loyalty. This opens up opportunities to close more deals and earn more profit. This availability also reduces frustration and prevents negative experiences that could damage the company’s reputation.

3 – Cost Effective

Building an in-house live chat support team requires recruitment, training, compensation, benefits, and infrastructure investments. Partnering with a BPO company, on the other hand, reduces the need for lengthy recruitment processes and ongoing employee-related expenses, resulting in significant savings. It also eliminates infrastructure costs as the service provider handles the infrastructure requirements. In some cases, BPO providers may also offer more competitive pricing models than building an in-house chat support workforce.

Businesses can allocate these savings to deliver better customer value, such as product development, loyalty programs, or personalized offerings, supporting overall growth and competitiveness.

4 – Scalability

Companies who outsource their chat support operations to third-party service providers gain the flexibility to swiftly increase their customer service capabilities without significantly investing in infrastructure, technology, and human resources. It enables businesses to leverage the experience and resources of BPOs, which are well-equipped to manage enormous volumes of customer inquiries efficiently and effectively.

With outsourcing, businesses can scale their live chat support resources based on fluctuating customer demands. BPOs can swiftly provide more resources to manage increasing workloads during peak seasons or periods of high volume. On the other hand, businesses can reduce support resources during slower periods, avoiding extra expenditures while maintaining extra capacity.

5 – Improved Customer Retention

Customer retention is essential because acquiring new customers costs much more than retaining existing ones. Existing customers are more likely to spend 30% more on a new product than first-time customers. Retained customers are also more likely to engage in word-of-mouth marketing or become brand ambassadors.

In keeping with the ever-increasing expectations of digitally enabled and demanding customers, great customer support remains a significant component in customer retention. According to Zendesk’s CX Trends 2022 report, more than 60% of consumers said that they now have higher customer service standards, and 61% would switch to a company’s competitor after just one bad customer service experience.

The availability of live chat support agents to answer customer inquiries and concerns in real time promotes an excellent customer experience which is critical for customer retention. BPO companies can offer 24/7 live chat support, ensuring customers receive assistance whenever needed. Businesses can improve customer satisfaction and retention by promptly addressing their inquiries and issues. Moreover, customers who are pleased with the service are likelier to stay loyal to a brand.

6 – Strong Customer Relationship

Amidst the pursuit of businesses to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace, one factor that should never be overlooked is establishing and nurturing strong customer relationships. Building a solid customer relationship extends beyond transactional encounters; it develops loyalty, trust, and customer advocacy.

In times of public relations issues, having a solid foundation of excellent customer relationships can help businesses weather the storm. When problems arise, loyal customers are more forgiving and emphatic, allowing the business to fix the situation and re-establish confidence. On the contrary, businesses with poor customer relations may experience more severe backlash and struggle to recover from negative publicity.

BPO providers frequently use customer feedback and analytics to get insights into customer preferences, pain points, and satisfaction levels. By analyzing customer feedback and chat interactions, businesses can find areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions. This proactive approach demonstrates dedication to continual improvement and customer-centricity, resulting in stronger customer relationships and higher customer retention.

7 – Builds Up CSAT

SQM’s CX research data reveals that 92% of contact center executives agree that improving customer experience is essential. Determining customer service might be difficult without evaluating customer satisfaction (CSAT). Allowing customers to evaluate the service they received is the most accurate approach to assessing CSAT.

During live chat engagements, BPO agents are trained to exhibit empathy and a customer-centric approach. They are friendly customer support agents who can form strong emotional relationships by actively listening to them, understanding their needs, and addressing their concerns with care and empathy. Such engagement leads to improved customer satisfaction.

BPO companies train continuously to enhance their agents’ skills. Agents can provide better support experiences by being updated with industry trends, product knowledge, and best customer service practices. As customers receive better customer service over time, continuous improvement initiatives contribute to greater CSAT.

8 – Increased Sales

According to Drift, a sales and marketing acceleration platform, live chat messages get 15x more engagement than email.

Recent statistics show that 79% of businesses say offering live chat has positively affected sales, revenue, and customer loyalty. 38% of consumers are likelier to buy from a company if they offer live chat support. Because website users are already looking for certain services, products, and solutions, live chat is an effective medium for converting potential customers into high-value customers.

Based on consumer interactions, outsourced live chat support agents can efficiently cross-sell and upsell products or services. By understanding customer needs and preferences, agents can recommend additional or upgraded products that meet their needs. This systematic strategy of cross-selling and upselling can raise average order values, revenue per customer, and sales growth.

9 – Improved Productivity

Handling live chat support takes significant time and work. Businesses can streamline their internal processes through live chat outsourcing. By outsourcing the management of customer inquiries and issues, companies can save important time, which can be redirected to more critical business tasks. Employees can focus on their primary responsibilities, improving productivity across different departments.

Live chat can also assist customer support agents in being more productive. While people can only be on one phone call or respond to one email at a time, they can manage several simultaneously with chat. They may stick for one or two for complex issues that require research and reporting, but if they’re working the chat line full of short and simple questions, managing up to three customers at once is possible.

Outsourcing to a BPO provides your company with a dedicated team of trained chat agents who excel at giving real-time customer service.

10 – Fast Implementation

BPOs have extensive experience and expertise in the live chat ecosystem. They have dedicated teams skilled in providing outstanding customer experiences, managing live chat software, and swiftly handling numerous customer concerns. This understanding helps BPOs execute live chat assistance faster than building an in-house chat support team. They also have established processes and resources, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruption to business operations.

While implementing in-house live chat support can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, working with a BPO provides considerable benefits in terms of speed and efficiency.

11 – Focus on Global Markets

Entering new markets can be challenging due to cultural differences, language barriers, and local regulatory compliance. Many companies are turning to BPO as a strategic solution to overcome these challenges and tap into the immense potential of global marketplaces.

If you plan to expand your business into international markets, a BPO can help. They can deal with language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone issues, maintaining a consistent customer experience across multiple regions.

Implementing a BPO solution for your live chat agents can transform your business. It allows companies to leverage the expertise and infrastructure of specialized customer support offices. Businesses can gain access to qualified chat agents, deliver exceptional customer experiences, quickly scale operations, cut expenses, increase sales, gain competitive advantage, improve productivity, and enter global markets. Embracing this strategy will position businesses for success in today’s competitive marketplace, where customer satisfaction is paramount.